Leadership experience


CFL January Newsletter

Time is running out to register for this quarter's certificate offerings! Read below to find out about each series and when they will be offered.

Emerging Leaders Series

Build leadership skills, practice teamwork and communication skills, and connect with other student leaders through an inclusive lens. The Emerging Leaders Series is open to all students (no experience required), and provides an engaging way for students to expand their perspective on leadership.

Days Offered: Wed. 11 AM to 1 PM, Wed. 4 - 6 PM

Social Change Leadership Series

SCL uses the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (the most widely-utilized model of leadership development on college campuses) as a framework for understanding leadership. Additionally, students who complete SCL will participate in two hours of service learning.

Days Offered: Thurs. 10 AM - 12 PM

Positional Leadership Series

Increase your leadership competency related to positional leadership roles you hold or aspire to hold (on or off campus). This certificate will increase students’ confidence, self-efficacy, and toolkit in order to start or continue being an impactful positional leader. We believe that equity and social justice are inherent parts of leadership and thus have incorporated these topics into all four weeks of the series.

Days Offered: Thurs. 2 PM - 4 PM

Global Leadership Series

Engage in your leadership journey that is specifically gauged towards applying your leadership skills across cultures and contexts. You will explore personal, local, national, and global issues within leadership and identify the knowledge, skills, and awareness necessary to navigate these different contexts.

Days Offered: Wed. 2 - 4 PM (FULL)

Winter Quarter Drop-In Offerings

Emotional Intelligence Feb. 2, 12 PM

A transformative learning experience that equips participants with essential skills to understand, manage, and harness emotions effectively for improved relationships, personal growth, and professional success.

should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Conflict Resolution Mar. 1, 12 PM

Learn practical tools and strategies to help navigate and resolve conflicts constructively, fostering a more harmonious and productive environment in both personal and professional settings.
