American Physician Scientists Association: July Newsletter

Dr. Narjust Florez of Dana Farber/Harvard Medical School is leading a study about the
experiences of Latinas in medical education in the United States
This is the first study of its kind, and the survey for our study just launched!
We want to hear about your experiences if you are eligible:
  • Identify as Latina/Hispanic
  • Identify as female/woman
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Completing/Completed medical training (medical school, residency, fellowship) in the U.S. in the past 10 years. 
Those who complete the survey will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card. 
Help us spread the word to other Latinas in medicine that you know!
If you have any questions, please email the study

Virtual Summer Research Program (VRSP) Panel

Email if you are interested in speaking to our Virtual Summer Research Program (VSRP) students via Zoom August 1st Monday 4-5pm Eastern as part of a panel discussion.

VSRP is part of the Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee for the American Physician Scientists Association. VSRP is a summer program that pairs undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds with mentors to do a research project remotely over the summer. The program also includes speakers, journal club sessions, and social events to create a network of support where students can grow professionally and personally.We would be honored to hear you speak at the panel about:1) your personal journey2) how you incorporate advocacy into your graduate school and/or medical school experience3) how you incorporate your lived experiences and voice in the research you do and/or clinical care you give4) how you navigated transitions (undergrad to grad school, gap years ect)These are just a few ideas for potential topics, if you have other topics or stories you'd like to share we would be very open!

Introduction to Academic Radiology (ITAR) applications now open!

Are you interested in radiology? Applications for the Radiological Society of North America's (RSNA) Introduction to Academic Radiology (ITAR) program are now open!  As part of a collaboration between RSNA and APSA, two medical students will be selected to travel to the RSNA Annual Meeting in Chicago for this special 4-day seminar to be held from Nov 27th-Dec 1st, 2022. A $1000 stipend will be awarded by RSNA to the selected students to offset travel and lodging costs. Applications are due on July 15th. To apply, please fill out the attached application and email it to Do not miss this excellent opportunity to learn about a physician-scientist career in radiology and network with leading academic radiologists!


Click here to download the application

Physician-Scientist Support Foundation MSRF Fellowship

OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM: The PSSF Medical Scholars Research Fellowship (MSRF) provides research opportunities and mentoring to students who aspire to become physician-scientists and are dedicated to making fundamental discoveries that improve health. The MSRF is a key component of PSSF’s mission to revitalize, grow and support the career pathway for physician-scientists. The fellowship supports one year of mentored, rigorous research training in fundamental biomedical research. All applicants must be nominated by the medical school deanThe medical school dean can nominate only one applicant in any competition year.

STIPEND AND ALLOWANCESFor the 2023 fellowship year, the total amount awarded to each Medical Student Fellow is $50,000. The annual stipend is $42,000. In addition to the stipend, the award includes an allowance of $8,000 for health insurance and travel expenses.

ELIGIBILITY: The MSRF is open to United States citizens and U.S. permanent residents only. Prior research experience is not required. Single-degree medical students interested in a dual career in research and patient care are eligible. Members of minority groups underrepresented in medicine and science are particularly encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS: Applicants are responsible for selecting a research mentor at any academic or nonprofit research institution in the United States, except for a government laboratory. Research proposal preparation is a key component of the application process. Online Applications for 2023 will open on September 1, 2022, and the application deadline is January 11, 2023.

Additional information can be found in the website below.

MSRF | The Physician-Scientist Support Foundation (

Welcome our 2022-2023 APSA Executive Council!


Alex Waldman, President-Elect 

Alex Waldman is a sixth-year MD/PhD student at Emory University School of Medicine and a National Institutes of Health Oxford-Cambridge Scholar. He is currently conducting a dually-mentored DPhil with Dr. Michael Lenardo at the National Institutes of Health and and Dr. Gabriele De Luca at the University of Oxford. He hopes to uncover and novel determinants of multiple sclerosis severity and validate their role in pathogenesis by integrating quantitative neuropathology and multiomic techniques. His involvement with APSA began on a regional level when he helped fundraise and recruit keynote speakers for the Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium in 2017. He subsequently joined the APSA Partnerships Committee for the 2017-2018 year and served as a Vice-Chair for the 2018-2019 year. He acted as Partnerships Committee Co-Chair during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 where he formed new fruitful strategic partnerships and further developed the International Consortium of Clinician Scientist Trainee Organizations. As Vice-President during the 2021-2022 leadership year, he focused on facilitating intercommittee communication. While the continued uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges, he has witnessed the ability of the APSA national leadership team to collaborate through the promotion of stronger cross-pollination between standing committees. Alex now serves as President-Elect where he aims expand the APSA membership reach, partnership dossier, fundraising capabilities, and professional development opportunities offered to members.

Dr. Evan Noch, Co-Chair, Residency, Fellows, and Junior Faculty Committee

Dr. Evan Noch is Assistant Professor of Neurology within the Division of Neuro-oncology at Weill Cornell Medicine-New York-Presbyterian Hospital.  Evan earned his MD and PhD degrees from Temple University before completing his residency in Neurology at Weill Cornell Medicine and fellowship in Neuro-oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.  In the lab, Evan studies glioblastoma metabolism, with a focus on synergistic drug and dietary therapies targeting glucose utilization and redox pathways.  Within APSA, Evan served on the PR Committee and then as its Committee Chair before serving as President-Elect and then President. More recently, Evan served as APSA's Resident Liaison and then as co-chair of the Resident, Fellow, and Junior Faculty Committee. Evan also serves on APSA’s Board of Directors.  Evan is passionate about APSA and is working on ways to better understand the needs of post-graduate physician-scientist trainees to improve their career development opportunities.
