ADEA GoDental Newsletter | July 2022


 GoDental Newsletter


Career Options

July 28, 2022


Is an Academic Dental Career in Your Future?


“There are many routes and career paths within dentistry. One such route is academic dentistry,” says Sarah Dobson, a second-year dental student at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry.

“Academic dental careers allow individuals to work outside of private clinical practice. These roles may look like part-time or full-time positions at a dental school through involvement in research, teaching a didactic or clinical course, serving as an attending in clinical practice or fulfilling an administrative role.” Read on to learn more about why Ms. Dobson is pursuing a career in academic dentistry and its benefits.


Life Is Short: Chase Your Dreams by Changing Careers


“Growing up in Iran, I had two big dreams: being a university professor and being a dentist,” says Afsaneh NouriHoushyar, Ph.D. “Through these career paths, I saw opportunities to contribute to society and play a crucial, positive role in the development of others.”

Read on as Dr. NouriHoushyar describes her journey and how she made the decision to transition from a career in academia and engineering to becoming a dentist.


Five Pieces of Advice for a Career Changer


Are you a person who has pursued a career other than dentistry and then decided to pursue a career in dentistry instead? If so, you are considered a nontraditional dental school applicant or a career changer. Career changers usually make this decision later in life and some have been out of school for many years, working in another profession before they realize that dentistry is their true calling.

If you are a career changer, the process you will follow to apply to dental school will be slightly different than it is for students still completing their undergraduate education. Keep reading to learn five important things to be aware of along your journey.


A Must-buy for Students Planning to Enter Dental School in Fall 2022 or Fall 2023


The all-digital 2021-2022 ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools Bundle consists of a one-year subscription to the online directory of dental schools (the ADEA Dental School Explorer) and the PDF publication (ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools 2021-2022 for Students Entering in Fall 2022 or Fall 2023)all for $35!


Updated each spring, the ADEA Dental School Explorer provides data from U.S. and Canadian dental schools. The information—which can be viewed on your computer, tablet or smart phone—is searchable by keyword and filterable by institution type, predental program and location (state, territory or province). The online tool also allows you to use bookmarks and make notes, compare up to four schools and add your own deadlines to an interactive calendar.


The PDF book complements the ADEA Dental School Explorer and contains a wealth of information, including:


• Tips on navigating the application process;

• Information for Canadian and international students;

• A new chapter on applying to Canadian dental schools;

• A section for gap-year students, career changers and re-applicants;

• Seven comparative data tables; and

• Much more!


Make your dental school application process a breeze by purchasing your 2021-2022 ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools today!



Advice for Re-applicants: Part I


Applying to dental school can be an arduous process. If you find that you were not accepted to any dental schools during the past cycle, you’re not alone and everyone’s journey to dental school will be as unique in their experience as a snowflake is in design. Your dream is still attainable!

Emma Hopson, M.S., an Admissions Coordinator from the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, has coached many people through the re-application process. Read on to learn specific advice she’s collected over the years for each of the four core sections of the application.


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Important Information on Student Loan Interest Rates


Interest rates on federal student loans are fixed, but they change on new loans disbursed on or after July 1 of any given year. This simply means, for example, that if you borrow four direct unsubsidized loans for each year of dental school, you will graduate with four loans, each of which has a different, but fixed, interest rate.

Click to learn about the interest rates that were announced this year.


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