Undocu-issues Dialogue Series: Part 3 (May 3, 4-5:30pm)


Dear Campus Community,

My name is Luis De La Cruz and as a student lead at the Dream Center, I would like to extend an invention to our third and last Undocu-Issues of the academic year. Our Undocu-Issues events are meant to bring awareness to pressing issues and topics that the immigrant community faces. We encourage all to come! Our theme for Undocu-Issues this quarter is Growing Up In The Dark

The event will be held virtually on May 3 at 4pm (PST) and will highlight youth undocumented. 

Many undocumented immigrants who come to the United States as young children do not learn of their undocumented status until their family discloses this information to them. Even if they do know of their status at a young age, they may not fully understand its meaning and implications until high school when their undocumented status creates barriers for college applications, internships, or employment. Discovering one’s undocumented status can be traumatic, leading immigrant youth to experience identity confusion. The Dream Center will be hosting a space to discuss how undocumented children make sense of their undocumented identity, cope with undocumented-related stress, and make their new-found feel identity less stigmatizing. We will be having two guest speakers to further give their insight. Please, be on the lookout for any updates and other information on our Instagram @calpolydreamcenter. 


