Cal Poly Center for Service in Action- Service Opportunities


AmeriCorps Info Session
Nationally, AmeriCorps is known as the domestic PeaceCorps and provides a huge array of services to those in need. The AmeriCorps Volunteer Infrastructure Project (VIP) is designed to address the significant challenges faced by California communities. Through the program, teams of AmeriCorps members are placed in communities to develop volunteer programs, harnessing the desire to serve to directly impact communities in need. Specifically, these non-profits focus on providing services to children and families.
Join us on Thursday, May 5 from 4-6pm in Building 52, room E3 to learn more about AmeriCorps and how you can get involved!
CollegeCorps Info Session
The Center for Service in Action is delighted to announce the AmeriCorps College Fellowship program, or "College Corps." This fellowship aims to provide 6,500 college students statewide with service-learning opportunities over the span of two academic years to tackle statewide challenges in climate action, K-12 education, and food insecurity.
The Coastal California Civic Leadership Consortium consists of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CSU Long Beach, Cuesta College, and Allan Hancock College. We are looking to recruit 315 students in total for this consortium of schools. Fellows will receive a stipend while serving up to $7,000, and an ending educational award (if completed in good standing) of an additional $3,000.
For any questions about applying or eligibility, please email We look forward to hearing from you! Please submit your application here by Sunday, May 15 at 11:59pm.
Keep an eye out for upcoming info sessions, dates and times TBD.
Cal Poly Community Service Awards
For 36 years, Cal Poly's Community Service Awards have been presented to students, faculty, staff, and community partner agencies for their contributions to the quality of life in San Luis Obispo and their spirit of civic engagement.
Awards are given to highlight specific achievements in service. The awards are selected on the basis of the written nomination by a panel of faculty, staff, and students. President Armstrong personally recognizes award recipients for their efforts. For a list of previous award recipients please click here.
To nominate an outstanding student, faculty, staff, AmeriCorps member, or community partner click this link. Download the nomination form, complete it, and submit it to
Volunteer Matchmaking
Looking to volunteer more consistently with an organization in the community?
Whether you are passionate about a cause and want to get involved, or you simply have a service hour requirement to fill, stop by our office (Building 52, Room E22) anytime M-F during business hours. One of our staff or student volunteers can sit down with you to help determine which organizations might be the best fit for you depending on your interest and availability. We will get you the resources you need!
Walk-ins are welcome anytime or email and we can set up a time for a consultation.
Stay Connected!
Follow us on social media to stay engaged with serving the community and other Cal Poly happenings! You can also check out our website for more ways to serve.
