2022 ADEA GoDental Virtual Fair


Not yet registered for the 2022 ADEA GoDental Virtual Fair? Here are FIVE reasons why you can’t miss #GDVF22 this May:


5. Get your “need to know” application questions answered.

🙋 Are you wondering, “How do I list my community service hours in the ADEA AADSAS® (ADEA Associated American Dental Schools Application Service) application?” Receive answers to this question and more on May 24 and 25 at the ADEA AADSAS booth.


4. Hear from the experts about completing your ADEA AADSAS application.

👩🏿‍⚕️ 👨🏿‍⚕️ View our LIVE session on May 24 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, featuring current dental students sharing their personal ADEA AADSAS application journeys.


3. 💲 Help alleviate your dental school financial worries.

Spend an hour with our financial aid expert on May 24, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, to gain tips on how to start preparing to pay for dental school now.


2. Hear real-life tips on finding your best dental school fit.

👨🏽‍⚕️ 👩🏽‍⚕️ View our LIVE session at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time on May 25, featuring dental students and admissions officers offering advice on finding the right dental 🦷 school for you.


1. Find out what dental schools can offer you as a prospective applicant.

🔮 Don’t be shy! On May 25, ask dental school admissions representatives what their school’s program and curriculum can offer you as a future dental student.


Questions? Email virtualfairs@adea.org. “See” you on May 24 and 25!

- The ADEA Virtual Fairs Team
