Volunteers Needed for Local Easter Egg Hunt (April 16)

Volunteers Needed for Local Easter Egg Hunt
Creeks to Coast Cleanup Kits
There are still plenty of cleanup kits in the CSA office! Stop by anytime Monday-Friday from 9-5 to pick up a cleanup kit complete with gloves, trash bags, and more. If you go off campus and pick up trash, we will offer service hours for this activity.
Volunteer Matchmaking
Looking to volunteer more consistently with an organization in the community?
Whether you are passionate about a cause and want to get involved, or you simply have a service hour requirement to fill, stop by our office (Building 52, Room E22) anytime M-F during business hours. One of our staff or student volunteers can sit down with you to help determine which organizations might be the best fit for you depending on your interest and availability. We will get you the resources you need!
Walk-ins are welcome anytime, or email serviceinaction@calpoly.edu and we can set up a time for a consultation.
Stay Connected!
Follow us on social media to stay engaged with serving the community and other Cal Poly happenings! You can also check out our website for more ways to serve.
