Apply to be on the Executive Board for Cal Poly Project Sunshine Club

Cal Poly Project Sunshine is filling club officer positions!

Project Sunshine website:

Here's a little bit of information from the current officers about the club and how to apply:

As we near the end of the year, it is time for our officer board to begin the process of looking for interested members to join the executive board for next year!

Project Sunshine started at Cal Poly about a year and a half ago, and we are so proud of how far we have been able to progress! Despite starting in the middle of a pandemic, our officer board was able to establish our medical partnerships, build reputations with various foundations, and establish a stable relationship with the National Office. We have started virtual sessions that take place on a regular basis with a great group of coordinators and kids. We are also in the process of collaborating with local hospitals to volunteer in-person directly with pediatric patients. It has been so fulfilling and rewarding to see some of you come out to join us!

That being said, there are so many more opportunities for our club in the future! We are hoping to find those of you who hold the same passion for what this club stands for as much as we do. 

The application process will consist of the following: 

  1. Written applications (google forms for each position) 

  2. The Officer board will review written applications

  3. Those chosen for an interview will be contacted to set up a time (choice of virtual or in person, 20 min max) 

  4. Those chosen for the final positions will be contacted and will be joining our officer board in the last couple of weeks of spring quarter for a shadowing period. 

Please only fill out the form for the position you are interested in applying for. If you are interested in applying for more than one position, please email us separately at and tell us which positions you are interested in applying for. We are happy to coordinate with you!

Co-president: (only taking one!): 

Vice President: 



Fundraising Committee: 

Social Media and Community Outreach Coordinator: 

(Positions having received minimal applications include: vice president, treasurer, and fundraising committee)

Application deadline: May 2nd
