USC MS in Health Systems Management Engineering

USC is offering a new graduate program in healthcare. I believe members of your organization would be good candidates and I was hoping that you would allow me to share information about the degree with them.

This interdisciplinary degree is an MS in Health Systems Management Engineering from the Viterbi School of Engineering, Price School of Public Policy, and Keck School of Medicine. The program is offered online, but in-person sessions are available. Applicants must have a B.S. degree, but all backgrounds are welcome. Prospective students seeking scholarships can apply to several merit-based opportunities through USC Viterbi.

I have worked for over 30 years and crafted a degree directly in response to the healthcare industry’s need for management, and graduates will be prepared to be leaders in the disruptions that the healthcare industry is facing.

Graduates of Health Systems Management Engineering will have an exceptional job edge, and can pursue careers in:

  • Hospital Efficiency Improvement
  • Quality Improvement
  • Healthcare Consulting
  • Cost Reduction
  • Supply Chain Improvement
  • Healthcare Analytics

The pandemic has disrupted the healthcare industry permanently, and there is a greater need than ever for experts in health systems management and optimization. The application deadline has been extended and you can apply here.

