End of Quarter Workshops for Students

It's that time again and we're nearing the end of the quarter. Stress is mounting and it may be hard to manage it all.  If your student needs help with stress and time management, consider referring them to our End of the Quarter Workshops provided virtually. 

Counseling Services offers two virtual workshops intended to address common concerns that students have. Our End of the Quarter Workshops offer valuable skills and tips necessary to survive the stressful weeks as students manage midterms and finals.
Students will learn strategies to manage their stress and anxiety. 
Students also benefit from interventions addressing motivation and procrastination concerns. 

Maximizing Your Time

Maximizing Your Time focuses on helping you understand procrastination habits and create new strategies to help you maximize your time. This workshop will help you break down poor time management habits and understand motivating variables that impact your productivity. You will review a step-by-step process to manage your time and energy. At the end of the workshop, you will develop your own individualized plan for maximizing your time!

FALL 2021 Schedule:

Maximizing Your TimeThursday02.24.2210:00-11:00amDr. Paul Carbajal
Maximizing Your TimeWednesday03.02.221:00-2:00pmMs. Johneen Manno
Maximizing Your TimeFriday03.04.2210:00-11:00amDr. Becky Sznejkowski
Maximizing Your TimeThursday03.10.222:00-3:00pmDr. Ana Cabezas

Stress Survival Kit

The Stress Survival Kit workshop focuses on identifying symptoms of stress and anxiety.  The workshop will cover strategies to understand and reduce unhealthy levels of stress.  You will learn different methods to engage in relaxation strategies, which includes in-session practice and follow-up information for practicing these skills at home.

FALL 2021 Schedule:

Stress SurvivalFriday02.25.2211:00am-12:00pmDr. Becca Gillis
Stress SurvivalTuesday03.01.223:00-4:00Dr. Shala Cole
Stress SurvivalThursday03.03.222:00-3:00pmDr. Ana Cabezas
Stress SurvivalWednesday03.09.2210:00-11:00amMs. Johneen Manno
Students may schedule by following this link: EOQ Registration Form
For more information about the workshops, including the workshop schedule, please visit: https://hcs.calpoly.edu/content/counseling/eoqworkshops 
