UCSF School of Medicine Post Baccalaureate Program for 2022 - 2023 and Admissions Workshop


We at the UCSF School of Medicine are very excited to announce our Post Baccalaureate program for the 2022-2023 year.

The Post Baccalaureate Program is designed for Californians who have completed their undergraduate degrees but have continued interest in pursuing an application to medical school.  We are seeking individuals from disadvantaged or underserved backgrounds who have unsuccessfully applied to medical school and those who have not yet applied to medical school. The program includes intensive MCAT preparation, application and interview preparation, skills workshops, healthcare seminars, and a science curriculum. Personal attention is given to each participant throughout the medical school application process.

Learn more about the post-bacc program HERE!

UCSF School of Medicine is also hosting an Admissions Workshop on March 12, 2022. Check out this flyer if you are interested!

If you have further questions about any of these programs, call (415) 514-2277 or email SOMOutreach@UCSF.edu. Please visit our website for more information at https://meded.ucsf.edu/post-baccalaureate-program
