FREE MCAT 1/2 Length Exam! (Saturday, January 29th)


Don't Forget Tomorrow's MCAT Exam

We just wanted to remind you about tomorrow's free Altius half-length MCAT practice test. 

  • Normally $40 - but yours for Free
  • Six months FREE access to testing and score improvement tools
  • Training and instruction on accurate MCAT materials and methods
  • Everyone who attends receives a $500 MCAT Prep Voucher.

Drawing for one HALF-TUITION SCHOLARSHIP ($1249 value)

Half-Length MCAT Proctored Exam

Saturday, January 29, 2022

10:00am - 2:00pm Pacific Time

Zoom Link:

Meeting lD: 846 6647 9314

Passcode: 407588

For tech support reach out to the individual listed below or

Text: 435-244-6501 or 801-706-5180

We look forward to testing with you!

Ryan Ellefson

MCAT Expert for CalPoly Pre-Meds

435-671-5783 Ext 200
