4th Annual Touro California Integrative Medicine Symposium - Jan 09, 2022


The Integrative Medicine Club at Touro University California would like to invite you to our 4th annual (2nd Virtual) Integrative Medicine Symposium held on January 09, 2022 (10:00 am to 4:00 pm PST).

The theme for this symposium is Nurturing the Individual and Sustaining Communities. By increasing exposure to evidence-based integrative practices and introducing new frontiers in integrative medicine, we hope to help provide clinicians the tools to nurture the individual patients they encounter. In recognizing the systemic and structural inequities within the healthcare system that hurt both patients and clinicians, we can better serve and nurture the health of our communities. This year's symposium has been divided into four tracks: - COVID-19 & Structural Competency,

 - Physician and Patient Wellness,

 - Nutrition, and

 - Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.

The four tracks selected highlight the interface between the personal and societal structures that impact our patient's well-being. These topics will be discussed all day and recorded, just in case you miss some of the sessions.AMA, PRA and AOA 1-A credits are available with all lectures and other activities planned accessible from the comfort of your home. All talks will be recorded and made available as enduring materials, so attendees can earn more CME credits in the month following the live event at no additional cost.

For more information, please visit our website at https://www.integrativemedicinesymposium.org
