2022 Strauss Scholars Application (Due Jan 21)


We are excited to announce that Cal Poly was invited to participate in the Donald A. Strauss Foundation Scholars application process! You can find the below information on their website:

Applicants from our 8 New Schools will apply directly to the Strauss Foundation at apply@straussfoundation.org. The deadline for applications is January 21, 2022. Awards are announced by mid- April. $13,000 of the funds will be available May 1st.  The final $2,000 will be given at the April Presentations.


Here is the pdf of the Bulletin of Information.


  1. A full-time undergraduate student at San Diego State University, San Jose State University, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, Cal State University Chico, Cal State University Fullerton, University of San Francisco, Santa Clara University or University of Southern California.
  2. ​3rd-year students graduating June 2023, 2nd-year students graduating between June 2023 and June 2024.
  3. ​GPA must be in the upper 1/3 of the applicants class.
  4. A desire to “make a difference” in local, regional, national or international communities.

The Application:

  1. Application Summary
  2. One-Page Resume
  3. One-Page Personal Essay
  4. Project Proposal - Limited to 4 pages, including Budget & Timeline, typed with 1.5 spacing. A 5th page may be used to describe a "Plan B" .
  5. Transcripts from all colleges attended; copies are acceptable.
  6. A Signed Copy of the Acceptance Agreement
Letter Writers

  1. 2 Letters of Recommendation- emailed directly with Name and School of Applicant in Subject Line.

  2. Letter of Support- only if working with a partner organization.

Selection Criteria:
  • Demonstrated interest in public service.
  • Outstanding leadership Potential.
  • Submitted innovative public service project proposal.
Scholar Responsibilities:
  • Maintain upper 1/3 of class standing in academic performance.
  • Carry out the public service project, emailing short, bi-monthly updates, and a 2-page final assessment in April.
  • Attend a Regional Meeting in November, in either Northern or Southern California.
  • Attend a mandatory meeting of all Strauss Award recipients at UC Irvine in April and make a short presentation.
  • Serve as a Strauss Ambassador at your school, reaching out to encourage others to apply.
