Become a Young Scholar with the American College of Cardiology- Deadline Dec. 1


Introduce Your Students to the Young Scholars Program!
I found out about the Young Scholars Program through my pre-health advisor. I started to fall in love with the webinars. It felt like these were topics we didn't even cover in school and made me feel like I was really ahead of my career path.
—Zachary Cherian, 2020 – 2021 Young Scholar
Get a head start on a possible career in medicine and apply for the American College of Cardiology’s Young Scholars Program by Dec. 1!
Learn More
The program pairs enterprising students in their last two years of high school or first two years of college with ACC members for a year of mentored research and education on cardiovascular disease. Safety permitting, Young Scholars will have the opportunity to attend ACC’s Annual Scientific Session in Washington, DC in April 2022 and local ACC State Chapter meetings, and will meet regularly with their mentors on virtual calls.
More information – and a link to the application – is available at
