American Physician Scientists Association 2021 Regional Meetings


There are six American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) fantastic regional meetings occurring across the country this season, from November 2021-March 2022.  Physician-scientists are uniquely positioned to conduct innovative medical research along the entire continuum of basic, clinical, and translational sciences. These regional meetings present an unparalleled opportunity to connect with physician-scientists, dual degree trainees, and future trainees in your own backyard. Each regional meeting contains keynote speakers, student talks, poster sessions, social sessions, and an emphasis on supporting individuals under-represented in medicine and science and interested in this career path.  The regional meeting landing page on the APSA website is continuously updated with new information. 

Three regional meetings have open registration and abstract submissions. These are:


  • The South Atlantic Regional Meeting isoccurring virtually on November 20, 2021 and is hosted by the University of Florida. Register and submit an abstract on their website.
  • The Northeast Regional Meeting isoccurring virtually January 15-16, 2022 and is hosted by the University of Pittsburgh. Register on their website.
  • The West Regional Meeting is occurring virtually on January 22, 2022 and is hosted by Oregon Health & Science University. Register here and submit an abstract by December 3rd here.


Information on the upcoming South, Southeast, and Midwest Regional Meetings occurring January-March 2022 will be updated here as registrations open and more information becomes available. 

We're excited for you to join us! Please reach out to APSA president-elect Yentli Soto Albrecht at if you have any general questions on our annual regional meetings or how you can become engaged with APSA.
