FREE Virtual Shadowing Videos: University of Colorado

Dear Virtual Shadowing Nano Course students,

We’re back!

We've just launched our newest opportunity for you to gain virtual shadowing hours -- the Virtual Shadowing Nano Course 2. 

This is a set of 10 new free videos for you to watch and learn from, as well as a new chance for an optional $50 certification. 

This is a completely new class, meaning that you will need to sign up again. How do you do that? Click the button below to head to our website, where you'll have the option to enroll in the Nano Course 2.

Get Started!

How many hours does this count for? We believe it’s important to differentiate between in-person shadowing and “virtual” shadowing, and recommend that wherever you list this, make sure to add that it’s a virtual program. With so many new programs coming out of the woodworks, and with this being a newer concept, there is no exact consensus. From our perspective, if you’ve followed along with the summary and completed the quizzes, 7 hours is a good match for time.

How long do I have to finish the course? There is no time limit in place. Take as much time as you need. You can go back to view the videos as many times as you'd like.

I purchased the certificate for the first course. Does that count for this one? This is a brand new, separate class from the original Virtual Shadowing Nano Course. You will need to sign up, watch the videos, take the quizzes, and pay for a new certificate.

Can I pay for the certificate ahead of time? You will need to finish the course before you have access to register for the certificate.

How long will it take to receive my certificate? Expect your certificate emailed to you within two weeks of purchase. At this time, we cannot offer physical copies.

Can I do this even if I am not a CU student? What are the pre-requisites?: Everyone is welcome to take this course. You do not need to be a CU student, have any background knowledge, be a Pre-Med student, or anything else.

Can I make a request for new topics for future videos? Yes! We'd love your suggestions. Let us know with the survey link at the end of the course, or send your requests to Meagan.

If you are interested in in-person opportunities for learning, make sure to check out our current class offerings. The deadline for both need-based scholarship applications and early bird discount (save $150!) is coming up Oct. 31 for our in person January Colorado-based pre-med/health emergency and wilderness medicine class.
