Undocu-Issues: My Status Affects My Health: How Health Outcomes are Influenced by Status

The Dream Center is hosting their last undocu-issues of the quarter, featuring Dr. Bill Lopez. He will lead a discussion about ways health is influenced by status. Dr. Lopez’s work focuses on the impact of immigration enforcement on mixed-status Latino communities. His forthcoming book project, Anatomy of a Raid: Latino Communities in the Crosshairs of Immigration Enforcement, draws on interviews with community members who were involved in a collaborative home raid to illustrate the impact of life under the daily threat of arrest and removal. Dr. Lopez continues to study the impact of immigration raids, and, locally, investigates the ways in which fear of deportation shapes access to health resources. 

Undocumented immigrants face significant barriers to accessing affordable and holistic healthcare including preventative care, mental health resources, and other services. In particular, detained immigrants are most vulnerable to these issues and campaigns such as #NoMoreKidsInCages have spotlighted significant health violations in the detention facilities. These issues have only been amplified through the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Register for the Zoom event here! Attendees also have the chance to win a copy of Dr. Lopez's book Separated - Family and Community in the Aftermath of an Immigration Raid in a raffle!

