Student-Athlete Healthcare Career Conference: Helping Student Athletes Transition from an Athletic Team to a Health Professional Team

"The 2021 WMed and AAMC High School and College Student-Athlete Medicine and Healthcare Career Conference will be held June 2-3, 2021. The event is meant to create and advance awareness of medicine and healthcare careers, specifically how skills acquired through athletics can be used in the medical field. The conference theme, "Helping Student-Athletes Transition from an Athletic Team to a Healthcare Professional Team," aims to bring awareness to how former student-athletes adapted the skills they learned through athletics to become a competitive pre-medical student, medical student, healthcare professional, trained physician, or trained healthcare practitioner" (2021 Student-Athlete Healthcare Career Conference | WMed (

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**All credit for this post and the included image is given to the Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).**
