PULSE is Recruiting Peer Health Educators for 2021-2022!

Peers Understanding, Listening, Supporting, Educating (PULSE) is a nationally awarded Peer Health Education program. It a peer-to-peer group within Student Affairs that promotes healthy behaviors and wellness among all members of the Cal Poly community.  

PULSE Peer Educators and Peer Coaches are volunteers (unpaid) that receive training to become a nationally certified Peer Educator through NASPA. The program is comprised of five teams, each dedicated to a specific area of education: Sexual Wellbeing (EROS), Mental Wellbeing (REAL), Nutrition and Fitness (HEAT), Wellness Promotion (POW), and Alcohol and Cannabis and Other Drug Education (ACOD). 

PULSE is currently recruiting for 2021-2022 Peer Health Educators. The application is live on Handshake/Mustang jobs (Job #: 4271171) and is due on Sunday, Feb 7 (fast approaching!). Students will need to submit a resume and a completed PULSE application

To learn more about our program, please visit https://chw.calpoly.edu/wellbeing/learn-doingIf you have any questions or concerns, please email wellbeing@calpoly.edu. 
