Post-bacc Program: Master of Science in Medical Physiology at Case Western


The MS in Medical Physiology program at Case Western Reserve University (MSMP) is a special master's program designed to help students improve their chances of being admitted to the professional programs of their choice (medical, dental, PA, AA, etc.) through a rigorous, 32-credit curriculum, a comprehensive enrichment program, and supportive faculty advising services. The entire program can be completed either as a resident student in Cleveland or online with synchronous and asynchronous course offerings for increased flexibility. They have excellent program outcomes with 90% of students applying to medical schools being accepted to programs across the country. That rate is even higher for our students applying to dental schools with a 100% success rate. 

The online application is open now for the Summer & Fall 2021 terms. 

MSMP Student Perspectives Webinar 

  • Feb. 25, 2 - 3 pm PST, via Zoom
  • Featuring four current students and TAs as they share their perspectives and answer your questions on the program curriculum, advising services, their successes, life in Cleveland, and more!
  • Click here to register!
Click here to schedule an advising appointment with the program's Director of Admissions, Samantha Baker, MEd.
