Physician-Scientist (MD-PhD) Trainee Outreach Virtual Conference (Hosted by UCSF and Stanford)

Interested in learning what being a physician-scientist is all about? Wondering how to apply to MD-PhD programs? Join us Saturday, February 13th, 2021 for an informative and interactive Physician-Scientist Trainee Outreach Virtual Conference, hosted by UCSF and Stanford! Sign up here.  


Stanford and UCSF’s Community of Underrepresented Physician-Scientists (CUPS) are hosting this event to inspire a new generation of physician-scientists from all walks of life, especially those who consider themselves underrepresented in science and medicine. Join us for valuable information or just a confidence boost as you work towards your medical and scientific career goals! 


Events include: 


  • Anatomy of the Application - New to the idea of an MD-PhD and interested in learning how to apply? We’ll walk you through the application process! Hear from our panel of students and learn what we wish we knew when we were in your shoes! 
  • How to Write a Personal Narrative - We’ll pass along our best tips for writing a compelling personal statement and get you started with a few writing exercises! 
  • Getting Started in Research - New to science and not sure how to get started? Join us for a Q&A session on how to get into research and choose the perfect mentor for you! 
  • Confidence boosting & imposter syndrome workshop - We’ve all been there, and we want you to know that your application is going to be AMAZING. We’ll share our own experiences with imposter syndrome, talk through ways to approach adversity, and share tips to gain confidence in yourself during the application process.  
  • Clinical Case Review - Learn to think and work like a physician! Attendees will be led through the presentation, differential, and treatment of a real clinical case, presented by an MD-PhD clinician, in an interactive Q&A format. 
  • ONE-ON-ONE mentoring! - Student mentors from UCSF and Stanford are here for all your future and current career/application questions. Spots are limited, so sign up today! 


Special introduction from UCSF MSTP director, Mark Anderson, MD, PhD!

When: Saturday, February 13th, 2021 9am-1:30pm 

Where: Zoom! 

How: Sign up! 

Presented by UCSF + Stanford Medical Scientist Training Programs
Questions? Email! Additional details will be provided following sign up.

Hope to see you there! 

UCSF Community of Underrepresented Physician-Scientists and Stanford MSTP 
