Medical College of Wisconsin - Diversity Summer Health-related Research Education Program (DSHREP)

Your seat at the table is essential.

The Diversity Summer Health-related Research Education Program (DSHREP) is a competitive program designed to provide research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students from backgrounds that are historically underrepresented in biomedical science.


Individuals from underrepresented cultural and ethnic groups, disadvantaged backgrounds, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


What’s In It For Me?


During this ten-week program, you will have the opportunity to:

• Be an active member of a research team

• Explore career opportunities in research and health professions

• Benefit from a stimulating environment of education and mentoring

• Attend weekly lecture seminars on cutting edge topics

• Understand educational pathways

• Participate in professional development enrichment sessions

“My transition to MCW as an M1 has been smooth due to the knowledge I gained during my two summers of research and the caring support system that I was able to form while participating in DSHREP.”  


- Jakara Griffin

M.D. Candidate Class of 2022


Deadline to Apply

February 1, 2021 at 3pm (PST)

We encourage you to work with your academic advisor so that they might help ensure your submission is received by the deadline. Students must have a strong science and math GPA, at least 3.4.


To learn more about other MCW undergraduate programs, visit


**All credit for this post is given to the Medical College of Wisconsin and to the Emory University Pre-Health Advising Blog, where this information was shared originally.**
