Cal Poly Dream Center - Undocu-Issues 1: Illuminating Challenges of the Undocublack Community

This Winter Quarter, the Cal Poly Dream Center is continuing its Undocu-Issues Series with the theme Dreaming in Mosaic: Resilience, Community, and Diversity in the Undocumented Community.

They are excited to launch their first event in the series on Thursday, January 28th from 1-2 PM: Illuminating Challenges of the Undocublack Community. This event will be in collaboration with the Black Academic Excellence Center (BAEC) and will discuss the carcerality and hyper surveillance the undocublack community faces, ways to build inclusive immigration policies, and resiliency in communities.
The event will feature guest speaker Kica Matos. Kica is the Vice President of Initiatives at the Vera Institute of Justice. She has worked as a national advocate for immigration reform and coordinated the work of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, the nation’s largest network of immigrant rights organizations. She has extensive experience as an advocate, community organizer, and lawyer. Kica has also worked as an assistant federal defender for death sentenced inmates with the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Amnesty International on death penalty and criminal justice issues.
The Dream Center and BAEC invite you to this collaboration to learn, discuss, and show your support.
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