Altius Test Prep - Free MCAT Marathon, $500 MCAT Scholarship!

 Altius Test Prep Free MCAT Marathon

Image Credit: Altius Test Prep

Event Details:

Thursday, January 7th from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm PT

  • Free Half-length MCAT Exam
  • MCAT Prep Workshop
  • Professional Exam Review
  • Critical Reasoning Workshop
  • Instruction provided by 518 - 528 MCAT scorers!
Full-tuition Scholarship Giveaway!
Everyone who attends receives a $500 MCAT scholarship. One lucky student will receive a full-ride MCAT scholarship valued at $2,500.

Click here to reserve your seat!

**All credit for this post is given to Altius Test Prep and the Emory University Pre-Health Advising Blog, where this information was shared originally.**
