Finals & Holiday Message from the Pre-Health Advising Team

Cal Poly Pre-Health Students,

As the end of the fall quarter approaches, our office just wanted to wish you all the best of luck on finals, and we hope that you're able to take some time for yourself to relax and recoup over the next few weeks! Given all of the world events happening around us, we know that trying to navigate college coursework (especially the prerequisites for health professional school) over the past nine months has become even more difficult than usual. Whatever your individual situation or circumstances may be, please know that our office is here to support you in any way we can. Whether that's discussing CR/NC grades, applying to health professional school during the pandemic, or just needing someone to talk to about the challenges you're currently facing in the virtual learning environment, our staff and peer advisors are here and more than happy to help. Please visit the "Contact Us" page of our pre-health website to drop in with a peer advisor or to schedule an appointment with a staff advisor. 

We also wanted to share a few reminders and resources with you all before you head off on your Thanksgiving and Winter breaks:

Credit/No Credit Grading Deadline

Please note that the deadline to change the grading basis of Fall 2020 coursework is 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. If you do elect to switch to a credit/no credit grading scale, please remember that you must receive a "C-" or above in order to receive credit for the course and that you will not be able to repeat any courses that you receive a "CR" grade in for grade forgiveness

Click here to view credit/no credit allowances by major for Fall 2020. We highly recommend speaking with an advisor before deciding to switch any course to a CR/NC grading scale. 

If you have any questions about whether you should change a prerequisite course to CR/NC grading, please refer to our COVID-19 FAQs blog post from this past Spring. If you'd like to discuss your individual situation in more detail, please do not hesitate to drop in with one of our pre-health peer advisors during their virtual drop-in hours. (Note: the last day that the peer advisors will be available for Fall 2020 is Tuesday, November 24th, from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.) We strongly encourage you to look into the policies regarding CR/NC prerequisite coursework for each individual program you're interested in applying to before making your decision.

For a demonstration of how to change the grading basis of a course via the Student Center on your Cal Poly portal, please visit the Office of the Registrar's Student Center website.

Pre-Health Reading List

A great way to continue developing yourself as a future health professional over this holiday break is to read! Click here to view our pre-health reading list, which includes authors from a number of different health professions, as well as topics ranging from patient care to social justice to health care policy, among many others. 

Staying Safe This Holiday Break

Lastly, we want to encourage you all to be conscientious and considerate of those around you and in your community as you make travel plans for the upcoming holiday breaks. Though the consequences of COVID-19 have been documented to be less severe for young, healthy adults, this does not negate the fact that we all have a responsibility as students to do our best to keep our neighbors, friends, and loved ones who are at higher risk safe and healthy. We know this is something you've heard all too often from a number of campus resources, but we can't emphasize enough the importance of adhering to the public health guidelines laid out by the state of California (or your home state), as well as the guidelines put in place by your local public health officials.

Other trustworthy and science-based sources of information on the current state of the pandemic include:

As cases of COVID-19 surge around the country, hospitals and clinics are beginning to become overwhelmed by the rapid influx of patients. As future health professionals, please do your part to slow the spread of the virus, and keep those on the front lines of the health care system in your thoughts as you make decisions about traveling and social gatherings this holiday season. 

We're Here for You

Again, we want to reiterate that our office is here to assist you in any way we can. To drop-in with a pre-health peer advisor or schedule an appointment with a pre-health staff advisor, please visit the "Contact Us" page of our pre-health website. You can also reach out to our office by emailing, though response times may be slower than normal over the holiday breaks. 

We hope you all have a semi-normal, safe, and relaxing holiday break, and we look forward to seeing you all back in Winter quarter! 


Your Pre-Health Advising Team
