Public Health Virtual Internship for Winter Quarter 2021 (Public Health Majors Only)


Public Health Virtual Internship for Winter Quarter 2021

Please review the prerequisites and internship guidelines for public health majors. Please contact Christine Nelson ( if you have any questions.  

Healthy Community Design Internship: This intern will work with the Healthy Communities Work Group (HCWG) to develop a “Healthy Development Checklist”. The Healthy Communities Work Group (HCWG) is a collaboration between public health officials, community-based organizations, local planning officials, academia, and community members working to reduce health disparities through changes to the built environment. HCWG reviews and comments on land use projects (housing developments, commercial developments, etc.) and policy documents (general plans, ordinances, etc.). The group evaluates projects and policies with an objective scoring checklist; see current checklist example here. This intern will work with HCWG members to update and add to the current checklist, using this example as a model. This tool will be used in project and policy evaluation and will be a valuable teaching tool to educate decision-makers on the impact of the built environment on health. Please contact Kayla Rutland, Health Education Specialist in the Community Wellness program at or 805-781-1560, if interested in this position.
