Fall 2020 Calendar of Events


Fall 2020 Calendar of Events:

(*See descriptions of each event below.)

Wednesday, October 14th, 11:10 am - 12:00 pm - Health Professions Application Workshop 

Now you've reached the point where you're ready to apply (or close to it!), this workshop will cover the timeline and nuanced details and processes of putting together a complete application. This workshop is best suited for those students who plan to apply in the coming 1-2 years. As the application process can last up to two years, we recommend attending twice to ensure you get all the information you need. It never hurts to hear such detailed information more than once. (This session will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.)

Click here to sign up!

Tuesday, October 20th, 1:10 - 3:00 pm - Health Careers Personal Statement Workshop

Often considered one of the most challenging parts of the application to graduate programs, in this interactive workshop, you will learn what admissions committees are looking for in a personal statement, as well as brainstorm content for your own personal statement. You are not required to come with a personal statement draft, but do bring something to write with (pen/pencil, laptop/tablet). Personal statement drafts will not be evaluated at this time. (This session will not be recorded to protect student stories and confidentiality.)

Click here to sign up!

Tuesday, October 27th, 4:40 - 6:00 pm - Starting Professional School During COVID-19

Come hear from Cal Poly students and alumni who have started health professions graduate programs this fall in the middle of the pandemic. They will be sharing what their experience has been like starting school with physical distancing and moving around the country, living with new roommates, and connecting with classmates and faculty. (This session will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.)

Click here to sign up!

Thursday, October 29th, 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Personal Statement Drop-in Lab 

Drop by to have your personal statement draft looked over! Drafts can be at any stage. If you haven't started writing and just want to brainstorm ideas with an advisor for 20 minutes, that's okay too! Feel free to drop in at any time in the two hours we're available. 

Click here to sign up!
