Upcoming Medical Design Club (MDC) Meeting!

See below for a message from Cal Poly's Medical Design Club!

Hello! We are Medical Design Club (MDC), an interdisciplinary club dedicated to improving the medical field through projects created and led by students. Some of you might be thinking, “But I’m not an engineering major,” and that is ok! Biomedical engineering and medical design processes require interdisciplinary teams of people that can complete statistical analysis, provide in depth knowledge about physiological processes and the anatomy, and understand how patients and doctors will behave and interact with devices. While our club tends to attract engineering students our goal is to provide opportunities to anyone interested in medical design, so our events and projects are open to any major! 

 MDC projects rolling over from last year include: 

  1. “Blood Pressure/Heart Rate Monitor” - An affordable, easy-to-operate solution to self-monitoring blood pressure and heart rate. 
  2. “Wearable Electrolyte Monitor” - A wearable device to perform quick, automatic measurement of electrolyte levels without the need for a blood test. 
  3. “EpiPen Redesign” - A low cost, ergonomic, needle-less epinephrine delivery system. 

Upcoming MDC Projects: 

  1. “Pain Evaluation” - A project intended to remove bias from the process of determining the appropriate treatment for patients. 

Most importantly, our annual Ideation Meeting is coming up on September 26 (Saturday) from 12-2 pm on Zoom! During this meeting, students get the chance to pitch their ideas, brainstorm, work through feasibility, and determine the new projects the club will support. If you would like to lead a project, this is also the time to show up and get your ideas out there. We will be releasing applications shortly after the meeting and expect new team leads to attend. If you have a time conflict and are looking to apply to lead a project, please let us know and we will work with you to get your name in the application pool. 

In addition to seeking new project team leads, we are also looking for a new co-lead for the EpiPen Redesign project and for a new lead for the Blood Pressure/Heart Rate Monitor Project. These applications will all be released at the same time. Updates will be provided through our email. 

Sign up for our email list and project interest lists at https://forms.gle/y6vNE32o4EsKEH7N8. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at MDC@calpoly.edu, visit our Instagram page at @medical_design_club, or contact any of the current project leads (information below). Our website is https://medicaldesign.calpoly.edu/.  

Stay safe! 
Medical Design Club Executive Team 
Project Leads: 
Blood Pressure/Heart Rate Monitor: ijandaur@calpoly.edu (Ishan Jandaur) for project specific questions; MDC@calpoly.edu for questions on how to become team lead. 
EpiPen Redesign: ktokita@calpoly.edu (Kaisei Tokita) 
Wearable Electrolyte Monitor: alai09@calpoly.edu (Ally Lai) 
Pain Evaluation: lwilli36@calpoly.edu (Lily Williams) 
