Webinar - The Power of Creativity in Public Health: Art & Social Change Advocacy

"How can you use art & creativity to make your public health campaigns more impactful?

How can we move people to make positive social change in the face of anger, fear, and injustice?

The Center for Artistic Activism (C4AA) helps people use their creativity and culture to effect power. Winning campaigns incorporate innovation and artistic methods. This workshop, led by C4AA directors, Rebecca Bray and Steve Lambert, gives effective tools to incorporate art into social change advocacy through creativity, spectacle, surprise, and vision. Art can do much more than just 'raising awareness.' We will talk about how it can move people to act and shift our conceptions of what is possible. Drawing on over ten years of experience working with creative change-makers and on public health issues around the world, C4AA will relay surprising stories of people fighting for and winning equality and access using culture and creativity. You'll leave with the tools for how to use creativity to engage and inspire public health advocacy."

Event Details:
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 11 am PT.

Click here to register!

(*This event is hosted by the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine)
