Volunteer/Service Opportunity in SLO County: Food Distribution

As the cases of COVID-19 rise, there is an increased need for food distribution throughout the county to enable folks who are sick to stay home in quarantine, and for those close contacts waiting for tests results to isolate. The county has contracted with the SLO Food Bank to help in this process, but they are currently short on volunteers (many of their volunteers were elderly and at risk) - so the Food Bank has coordinated with Wilshire Hospice who sent the following:

Volunteers are needed now more than ever. Our volunteers are provided gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer as needed and we have modified training procedures to minimize face-to-face contact. At this time, we have openings for the following volunteer positions:

  • Drivers to assist clients to doctors appointments
  • Shoppers, food pantry deliveries
  • In-home visits/phone visits
If anyone is interested in becoming a driver, shopper, or pantry deliverer, we will also need the following:
Pictures of items & screen shot of DMV record is acceptable and can be emailed to me or sent via text to 805-503-8174.

If anyone is in town (or will be coming back to town for fall) and is willing/able to volunteer, please email Dr. Candace Winstead (cwinstea@calpoly.edu) and she will forward your application and get you in contact with the volunteer coordinator.
