Article: "Medical Schools Need to Do Much More to Protect Students of Color From Racism"

Photo Credit: Christle Nwora, MD, and

In a recent AAMCNews article, Christle Nwora, MD, an internal medicine and pediatrics resident at Johns Hopkins Medicine, highlights the racist comments, actions, and microaggressions she endured throughout her medical training, and presents a call to action for medical schools to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for students of color.
"Although I don't speak for all Black medical students, I know my experience is not unique. We have suffered comments made about our appearances, for example, and have had security guards question our presence on campus. We carry these and other disturbing experiences with us to class as we study our pathology notes and worry about our next board exams. In addition, we bear the news of the extrajudicial killings of Black people and learn about health disparities that are robbing our communities of life. The stress of it all can be crushing."
           - Christle Nwora, MD

Click here to read the full article.

(*All credit for this post is given to Christle Nwora, MD, and the Association of American Medical Colleges.)
