Article: "AAMC Releases Road Map to Reset Nation's Approach to COVID-19"

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has released an evidence-based plan that "calls for immediate action to remedy critical shortages and increase testing, as well as longer-term actions to provide health insurance to millions of vulnerable Americans."

"The Way Forward on COVID-19: A Road Map to Reset the Nation's Approach to the Pandemic calls on federal and state governments, businesses, academic medicine, and local communities to work together to implement a set of 11 evidence-based short- and long-term actions to address critical testing and supply issues, mitigate the spread of the virus, and ameliorate the health disparities that have further exacerbated the pandemic for vulnerable populations, among other actions.

'If the nation does not change its course - and soon - deaths in the United States could well be in the multiple of hundreds of thousands,' said David J. Skorton, MD, AAMC president and CEO. 'The nation urgently needs a decisive, coordinated strategy to save lives, restore the US economy, and return our lives to a sense of normalcy.'"

Click here to read the full article, and to view the AAMC's 11-point plan for turning the tide of COVID-19 and improving healthcare and health outcomes for millions of Americans. 

(*All credit for this post is given to Gabrielle Redford and the Association of American Medical Colleges)
