Article: "Now More Than Ever, Academic Medicine Needs to Promote Talented Women"

In a recent article from AAMCNews, author Susan Scutti highlights how "the current pandemic makes clear how much we need to attract, retain, and advance all talented physicians and researchers. The new AAMC State of Women in Academic Medicine report highlights key advances - and the challenges that remain.

As COVID-19 continues to pummel communities across the country, the need to attract, retain, and promote talented health and science professionals - including women and members of underrepresented communities - has never been greater. On May 28, the AAMC released the State of Women in Academic Medicine 2018-2019, which highlights some progress in gender equity, as well as areas that continue to lag behind.

The report, which is based on pre-pandemic data, notes that while women make up nearly half of all medical school graduates, they represent just 25% of full professors and 18% of department chairs. In addition, the ranks of women faculty from underrepresented backgrounds has grown approximately 1 percentage point in the past decade."

"While we celebrate the high percentages of women entering medicine and science, we must diligently and intentionally address the extremely slow rate of change in the proportions of women in leadership positions." 
- Linda Chaudron, MD
  Chair, AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science Steering Committee

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