NAAHP Recommends Prehealth Opportunities During the Pandemic

In this article, Kate Fukawa-Connelly, Director of Communications for the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) outlines a few creative ways to continue developing yourself as an applicant during a time when many extracurricular activities or experiences have been canceled. 
Some of these include:
  • Consider creative ways that you can be helpful within your local community - reconnecting with high school mentors may help you brainstorm.
  • Reach out to retired health care professionals through your campus's alumni network and talk with them about their perspectives on their careers and the current pandemic.
  • Embrace the time for self-reflection and journaling - thinking about your past experiences as an aspiring healthcare provider may help you plan more strategically for the future.
Visit the AAMC's website to read the full article and to get further insight into how to make the most of these unique, uncertain times. 

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