May and June Volunteer Opportunities (SLO County, virtual and in-person)

** Here is a quick reminder to prioritize self-care during this time! As pre-health students, there is often pressure to constantly build your application with volunteering and extracurriculars. If you have the desire and capacity to volunteer, these are a few options, but if you need to focus on school and your mental health, do that! Learning how to listen to your own needs and balance priorities is crucial for a sustainable work ethic. Come by our drop-in hours if you need support in making the most out of this time for you as an individual!**

Many volunteer opportunities have been halted due to COVID-19 but there are still ways to get involved, both virtually and in-person. These organizations are looking for volunteers in the coming months:

- ECHO: El Camino Homeless Organization operates an overnight shelter for families and individuals who are homeless and provides them with resources to find a job and secure housing.
They are in dire need of volunteers (healthy individuals ages 18-64), particularly overnight chaperones! They are also requesting in-kind and monetary donations to meet critical needs during this time. For more information on how to help, please visit their website.

- Stand Strong: Stand Strong's mission is to support survivors and end domestic violence in San Luis Obispo County'. They have an upcoming training available in order to get involved answering their 24 hour crisis hotline.  The 40-hour training will take place from May 18-June 22. Both the training and volunteering to answer calls will take place virtually. For more information and the application to sign up please visit their website.

