Alumni Letter (2017): Alana Scheibe, B.S.N./M.S.N. - MGH Institute of Health Professions

Hey there, mustangs! I hope everyone’s spring quarter is going well and you’re enjoying the sunshine. I graduated from Cal Poly in March of 2016 with a degree in Biological Sciences and a minor in Psychology. This past September, I made the cross-country trek to Boston, MA to begin an entry-level master’s in nursing to become a Nurse Practitioner! The program is three years long, so I just finished my second semester (I know, probably not what you wanted to hear since you’re in the middle of the quarter still), but I have summer semester that starts in a few short weeks so don’t be too envious

This first year includes the pre-licensure courses, so I’ll be sitting for the NCLEX exam this upcoming fall and I’ll officially be an RN after 12 months of intense coursework. I’ll then immediately begin the masters-level classes and in 2019 I’ll be able to sit for the NP boards and call myself an FNP!  The transition from SLO to Boston has been both overwhelming and incredible at the same time. I’ve loved living in a big city and rubbing shoulders with some of the best and brightest in healthcare. In terms of my coursework, I’ve especially enjoyed getting hands-on experience at Massachusetts General Hospital during my clinicals and implementing my real-world experience into the classroom work and vice versa. It is a huge privilege being able to make a real difference to patients and their families – such a wonderful and rewarding feeling!

During my undergrad here at Cal Poly, I volunteered with the peer-health education organization, PULSE, and performed research with a professor. I also spent part of a summer volunteering at a rural hospital in Iringa, Tanzania after getting my Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) license.  All of my experiences are ultimately what led me to pursue a career in nursing and I haven’t looked back! Overall, Cal Poly’s rigorous coursework really prepared me for graduate school and ensured a stable work ethic. My advice: take the GRE (or any other entrance exam) long before you intend to apply and preferably when you aren’t also taking school classes (i.e. during a break or summer). And definitely take advantage of all the awesome resources here. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at all!

Alana Scheibe
Class of 2016

(Note: This letter was received in May of 2017)
