Human Gross Anatomy Virtual Info Session Tomorrow!

Interested in learning human gross anatomy through a cadaver dissection experience this summer? Attend the info session tomorrow (April 14th, 2020) from 11 am to 12:15 pm to learn more about this unique opportunity!

Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 340 902 130
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,340902130# US (San Jose)

Who should apply?
This course is excellent preparation for a future in healthcare and is open to students who have earned a B- or higher in at least one human anatomy or physiology course at Cal Poly or the equivalent.

Consent of instructor. Grade of B- or better in an anatomy or physiology course at Cal Poly or the equivalent (Ex. BIO 231, 232, 361, 406-409).

Course Details: 
The course will be taught by Dr. Jones and will run from 7/27/2020 - 8/28/2020. Monday-Thursday. Two sections offered: section 01 from 8:10-11am and section 02 from 12:10-3pm. More information can be found here: 

If interested, fill out the following form to be considered for enrollment.
