Article: "Choosing a medical school during COVID-19"

In a recent article for AAMCNews, LaShyra Nolen, a first-year medical student at Harvard Medical School, provides some insight and advice to those 30,000 recently admitted medical students across the country that now must decide where they'd like to spend the next four years.

"In ordinary times, admitted students would attend Revisit and Second Look events at the schools to which they had been accepted. There, they would have an opportunity to meet their prospective classmates and engage with faculty, all while imagining themselves as students at those institutions.

These aren't ordinary times. In the era of social distancing, many Revisit or Second Look events have been canceled or transformed into virtual sessions. The sudden change has left many admitted students feeling unsure about how to make what for many may be the biggest decision of their lives."

Visit the AAMCNews website to read the full article and to find out how you can make the most informed decision possible if you currently find yourself in this situation.
