Altius Test Prep to provide Free Science and MCAT Tutoring to Pre-Meds Impacted by COVID-19

Altius Test Prep will provide FREE tutoring to pre-medical students impacted by COVID-19, as well as convert to a non-profit pricing model.

Free Services & Resources:

  1. FREE MCAT Tutoring: Beginning March 23rd, Altius will offer FREE online MCAT tutoring to all U.S. pre-meds. All sessions will be hosted by their elite 95-100th percentile MCAT Mentors. Interested students can join these sessions 7 days a week between 8:00 am and 8:30 PM (PDST) from anywhere with an internet connection. Click here to register for free tutoring.
  2. FREE Tutoring for any Medical School Pre-requisite Course: Also beginning March 23rd, Altius will offer FREE online science tutoring for all medical school pre-requisite courses (Chemistry, O-Chem, Biology, Biochem, Physics, etc.). Click here to learn more.
  3. Free Transition Counseling: Moving from on-campus to online instruction will present students with multiple challenges, and undoubtedly generate questions and concerns. Altius has over a decade of experience both hosting online classes and ensuring that online instruction works. If you have any questions or concerns, if you're struggling to stay focused or motivated, or are facing any other challenges with your new distance learning environment, call (435) 671-5783 to speak free-of-charge with one of our experienced online education experts.
Temporary Non-Profit Pricing Model:

Effective immediately, tuition for the following online courses and study resources are being dropped to at or below cost. These products may return to regular pricing at any time based on developing COVID-19 circumstances, but are likely to continue through at least March 31, 2020.
  1. Elite MCAT Classroom Course: Regularly $2,499. Available for only $899. Twice the instruction as their leading competitor, plus a Double-Your-Money-Back Guarantee. Click here to learn more.
  2. Premier Self-Paced Study Course: Regularly $1,999. Available for only $499. Everything you could possible need to self-study for the MCAT, including all the best materials from both Altius and the AAMC. Click here to learn more.
  3. 10 Altius Full-Length MCAT Exams: Regularly $300. Available for only $99. The only MCAT exams written and double-blind peer reviewed by PhD science professors. Includes a 1-year license for the exam software. Click here to learn more.
