Guest Speaker: Dr. Anna Flaherty - "Transcending the Gender Binary: The Science and Philosophy of Transgender Medicine"

Cal Poly alum and ENT-Otolaryngology resident, Anna Flaherty, M.D., will be giving two talks on the topic of Transgender Medicine this Friday, February 21st:

11:10 am - 12:30 pm: Introduction to Gender Affirmation and Transgender Medicine

  • Review terminology and cross-cultural history pertaining to gender variance
  • Define gender-affirming care, and review current literature regarding the impact of treatment on psychological health and quality of life
  • Summarize medical and surgical interventions to treat dysphoria

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm: The Spectrum of Sex: A Biological Argument Against the Gender Binary

  • Discuss the evolution of our understanding of gender and sexuality
  • Understand intersex issues and their significance
  • Overview new/developing concepts in embryology and genetics
  • Establish the sex/gender distinction as a false dichotomy 

3:15 - 4:00 pm: Panel Discussion

Location: Building 38, Room 121 (Science and Mathematics)

These talks are open to the public.

Dr. Anna Flaherty is a Head and Neck Surgery Resident in the department of Otolaryngology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Dr. Flaherty followed a non-standard path into medical school. Dr. Flaherty scored in the 99th percentile on the GED after dropping out of high school. They then entered community college with the goal of eventually earning a medical degree. Dr. Flaherty transferred to Cal Poly majoring in Philosophy and minoring in religious studies, while also taking the necessary science classes for medical school preparation.

Dr. Flaherty graduated from the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) in Hawaii after earning an EMT certification from UC Berkeley Extension. In their position at SIU, Dr. Flaherty trains in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. The scope of their training includes endocrine surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and laryngology (medical and surgical treatment of the voice box). As a subspecialist trained in head and neck surgery, endocrine surgery, facial plastic surgery, and laryngology, Dr. Flaherty is uniquely equipped to assist transgender and non-binary patients with gender affirmation. Dr. Flaherty plans to further specialize in the emerging field of transgender head and neck surgery, providing both medical and surgical options for gender affirmation specific to the face and voice.

Dr. Flaherty's ultimate goal is to establish a multidisciplinary center of excellence, where transgender and nonbinary patients may receive comprehensive medical, surgical, and psychosocial care from a team of providers - including facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons, laryngologists and voice therapists, urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, plastic surgeons, psychologists, social workers, family planners, and family services - working together under the same roof.

This event is funded by the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Science and Math Committee for Inclusion and Equity.
