Young Innovative Investigator Program at UCONN

The aim of the Young Innovative Investigator Program (YIIP) is to provide graduate level academic training to underrepresented students pursuing biological and biomedical science careers, to foster scientific innovation among biomedical scientists and scholars, and to increase diversity among the pool of academic scientists. YIIP applicants are encouraged to demonstrate interest in the field of regeneration through the convergence of advanced materials sciences, stem cell sciences, physics, developmental biology, and clinical translation.

YIIP is a one to two year, full-time program for college graduates comprised of graduate level coursework and supervised research in biomedical laboratories on the campus of UConn Health. This is not a post-baccalaureate program, but individualized mentorship, academic support, and career guidance is provided. YIIP scholars are employed as Graduate Assistants and may also qualify for health insurance coverage. In addition, the tuition expense and basic fees associated with graduate level courses are waived for YIIP scholars. Upon successful completion of year one, a scholar obtains a Biomedical Science Research Experience Graduate Certificate. In year two, scholars who meet the academic qualifications and successfully complete their first year may have the opportunity to pursue a Master of Science in Biomedical Science.

Click here for more information about the program requirements and how to apply to YIIP.
The application deadline is March 20,2020.
