Summer Course in Human Anatomy at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

The twentieth annual Summer Course in Human Anatomy will be offered by the John Hopkins University School of Medicine in June, 2020. The course will run for four weeks on the Medical School campus in Baltimore, and will include both lectures and demonstrations using human cadavers. It is appropriate for undergraduate or graduate students needing an in-depth introduction to human anatomy, in preparation for more advanced training in the health sciences or to satisfy an anatomy course requirement.

Applications will be accepted from all currently enrolled students who have completed at least their freshman year of college. Total tuition for the course is $3900, which includes all course materials. Four (4) academic credits will be awarded upon successful completion of the course. Accommodations are available on the main undergraduate campus of Johns Hopkins University. A completed application form, a non-refundable application fee of $50, and supporting materials (college transcript, letter of recommendation from an academic advisor) are due by March 10, 2020. Full tuition will be due by April 30. More course details, including a downloadable application form, can be found at For further information, please contact the course administrator at
