Gender Affirming Care: Cal Poly Students Can Now Receive Hormone Replacement Therapy on Campus

The Cal Poly Health Center is now offering hormone replacement therapy (HRT), along with counseling, and name and gender change resources to Cal Poly students.

The goal of Gender Affirming Care is to "ensure trans and gender diverse students receive the highest quality care in a supportive, respectful space."

According to a Mustang News article (link below), "the costs of hormones at the Health Center for students range from $8 to $30 a month, depending on the dosage of hormones and the method - pills or injections. Consultations with doctors are covered in student health fees."

This is a large step in making Cal Poly a more inclusive campus, especially with respect to its LGBTQ+ community.

For more information, visit the Health Center's Gender Affirming Care website at

Mustang News Article: "Trans students couldn't get hormone replacement therapy on campus. Now they can"
